子どもたちの「選手を “ほっとさせる” 応援」の取り組みが映像になりました!

埼玉県内の子どもたちの「声援」を「花」に 託し、応援の花束を届けるアート・プロジェクトです。


県内各地から寄せられた 300本あまりの花々は、ひとりひとりの声を集めた温かい声援の花束です。


It is an art project where children in Saitama Prefecture entrust their “cheers” to “flowers” and deliver the bouquets of their supports. While creating their artwork, each child asked themselves, “What does it mean to cheer?” and put their hearts into the flower illustrations. These 300+ flowers from around the prefecture represent a warm bundle of encouragement from each and every child. The spirit of support is shared regardless of the distance.